Botany at Dusk
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Botany at Dusk[edit | edit source]
Delilah Dmitriev
The city seemed what she thought it would be. The past week of settling in had been a challenge, she’d never been in a place with so many supernaturals. She knew they were there- but no one stopped to acknowledge that she was one of them. She didn’t expect much from the other Lycans, she was not pack, and didn’t see herself becoming apart of their circle. She and her brother were here for other reasons, ones she did not know if the pack had any preference on. She was sure there was a preference, but hadn’t spoken to anyone who could shed some light on the situation.
She stood in the knee high grass, the settling sun lit up the gold of the blades like blazing flames. She stood a bit aways from a forested area, her arms were crossed and her head was tilted. She contemplated entering. The dark would soon set in, and in the woods it would be much darker than outside. Common sense said, if something was unfamiliar- its best explored in the light; but she was curious. She'd been seeing, hearing and smelling all kinds of things since she got here, things she didn't recognize. She was one for the books, one for the facts, and one for knowing everything going on around her. Being in a new place was hard when there was no one or nothing willing to allow you to learn from it.
Anton, her older brother had taken far too long, and so she had left her waiting post. She trailed out a way out of the city and explored the outskirts, she was on her way to a place called Marken, perhaps the locals would be more willing to speak to her, since the city wouldn’t slow down to share even the slightest breath for her.
After a bit more contemplation, she convinced herself, and decided to head in. She placed her hand on the first thick tree she came across, feeling the bark under her palm. She rough exterior of a life form over a hundred and thirty years old, she guessed on the girth. She wasn’t a botanist, but she did enjoy nature and strove to know everything. An impossible task, but one that would keep her busy. She did have a long life ahead of her.
She stepped over a few more shrubs and headed deeper. She glanced at the small ferns that hugged close to the trunks of the trees. This path wouldn’t take long, she thought, and it would educate her on the local foliage, something that she had a personal need to satisfy.
Cody Bridger
Dusk. One of the best times of the day. It wasn't too bright but it wasn't entirely dark and the temperature (depending on the season) was usually just perfect.
Cody had been exploring the area as he normally did; collecting different rocks, finding old artifacts...he didn't bring everything he found back to the house, that would be just stupid and in the long run it would take up too much room which was why at the end of the day he settled on five different colored rocks; two of which were semi precious gems, and an old coin he had found.
He had bits of wet dirt and bark on his arms, hands and underneath his fingernails but he didn't care. That was the price you paid when you picked something up off of the ground and besides he liked the earthy smell. It was a whole lot better than the near constant ammonia smell he had to deal with on a daily basis. That smell was the reason he kept a scented plugin in his room.
Up ahead there was movement. Squinting a little Cody was able to make out someone else in between the trees. Off to the right and a little bit behind the stranger was the field of tulips, but the stranger wasn't heading in that direction, it appeared as if she were staying on the path that connected Keukenhof to Marken.
It really didn't matter where she was going. What mattered was that they would have to cross paths if he were to get home. Oh well, best to do it now while there was still light to see with.
Sighing he continued on. As he got closer he took another look at the girl. Yep, definitely a stranger. She even smelled differently.
“It's not advisable to venture too far out at night.” Cody warned when he was close enough to be heard. It was just a friendly warning; one that he rarely offered unless he felt like it.
Delilah Dmitriev
Delilah kept her hands in her jacket pocket, something caught her eyes after she had heard the call, the faint hoot of an owl, she looked up and saw the ready bird roll his shoulders in the way that she would stretch in the morning, ready for the day- or in his case the night. She was rethinking her choice to go through the woods. There was more movement up ahead, she had come to far to turn back now, and besides, what was out here that she should be afraid of? Was a human going to try to mug her, a little young man gonna call her over and try to command her around, to impress his friends. She would actually like that. Young men were the ones who needed to learn respect the most. The earlier on, the better for society. She considered it a good deed when these kinds of run ins happened.
This figure up ahead didn’t look like too much of a threat, she wasn’t one to make assumptions so soon, but the darkness creeping up on her shadow did put her a little on edge. She pressed her lips together wondering what the run in would consist of. She was expecting a neutral nod, but that was when she caught his scent. It was carried to her nose like a light breeze. His warning took her aback. It was the first words exchanged with a local, the kind of local she was looking to speak with.
”I was rethinking it-“ she mentioned, she bit her lip and looked behind her, ”I’m too far in to turn back, is straight ahead the fasted way out?” She looked back to the man, for his opinion. She looked to his eyes, she needed to catch his gaze to see if he would shrink away like the rest of them had, or if he would be the one who she could finally talk to.
Cody Bridger
The Lycan glanced back in the direction he had been heading; back to Marken. There were many ways to get there; some could be found using the trail and others could be found by leaving the trail. On the same token there were many ways to get to the city too. Oh yes...the city.
Cody hated it there; too crowded and noisy. There were tourists, motorists, people in boats traveling up and down the canals. There were sights, sounds, smells...too many for him to distinguish at any given time. The city meant people and people meant danger.
Anything could happen and if something bad did happen it wasn't like he could rush home. He would only do more harm to himself than good if he did that.
Realizing that the stranger was still waiting for an answer Cody said, “That depends on where you are trying to go. If you are wanting to get to the city just keep following the trail. If you want to get back to Marken in a hurry...I know a shortcut I could show you.”
His shortcut, while it was the quickest way back it was also the more dangerous. There was a portion of the ground that was covered in weak spots that would collapse if you stepped on them, there were two small creeks that had to be crossed by thin tree trunks, there was a gap that could only be crossed by swinging across on a rope and then there was a little patch of thorny bushes. Of course there was a path through them but it was impossible to get through them without taking at least two sticks.
While it wasn't impossible to take that route at night, the darkness made things more challenging. Cody enjoyed the challenge even though he had done it many times in the past.
“My name's Cody by the way. What's yours?” Cody asked as he waited for the lady's decision.
She was obviously new to the area but she would grow accustomed to the place very quickly. Everyone did.
Spying something on the ground Cody bent down and picked it up. It was yet another small piece of obsidian. He had been finding that a lot lately; so much so that he had taken to shaping what he found in to small blades and arrowheads.
He had quite a collection of obsidian weapons. He liked obsidian because it was so sharp and could be used over and over, plus he liked the jet black color. Black was his favorite color, it was so dark and it blotted out whatever other color it came in to contact with.
The night was black, white pinpricks of light dotted the darkness but still...
“So...” Cody said as he put the obsidian in to his pocket, “Do you know where you want to go?”
He wasn't trying to pressure Delilah but if he needed to take her back to Marken he wanted to get started before it got too terribly dark.