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Mercury Pentameter


Judging by where the moon was in the sky, it was about midnight. Saints were long since sleeping, tucked away safe in their beds, prayers dancing around their heads but Mercury was standing in his usual spot in a dark alleyway. It was nuzzled between a pleasure house and a horrible bar that smelled of piss and vomit. He didn't care. Mercury didn't care about most things. Currently, all he cared about was the fact that the night was young and that his cigarette was quickly burning down to the roach. He scowled, his snake bite piercings clicking against his lower teeth as he did so.

A breeze ran through the alley, hitting Mercury with a glacial chill that ran over his light skin. It ruffled his red hair out of his face as he shivered and placed his back against the wall. Taking a last drag off his dying cigarette, he flipped the hood of his jacket over his head as he cursed the cold wind. He was, as was every other Demon was, plucked from hell fire. His very being was based in heat, so when he was faced with the cold, he shirked away from it. It was almost as though it took something away from him, besides the superficial warmth resting on his skin.

Mercury noticed his cigarette was completely burnt out when the fading embers caught his peripheral vision. It was beautiful, fire. In every form, fire was beautiful. Of course he would find it beautiful though, he was born of it. He threw it down on the ground and stomped on it with his heel, grinding the embers into the filth below his feet.

The breeze left in the same hurry it came in. Mercury listened as it whistled down the alley way, hitting various drug addicts and homeless men as it went. He could tell when it hit someone because moans of resentment echoed back to his ears. This small amount of discomfort made him smile. He had not caused their small bout of suffering, but he was glad he was around to hear it. Their moans reminded him why he was in the alley to begin with, to sell opium. He had only had one customer all night which was rather disappointing. Normally, especially in this area, the souls came rushing in, starved for simple pleasures and sin. He looked to the sky, watching the moon as it rose throughout the night. Where were his loyal customers? Perhaps, like so many of the past, they had finally overdosed. He sighed at the thought of their death. While yes, he should be happy because their life ended in sin and thus, their soul was his lord and master's, he was once again disappointed in himself. He should have been there for their death so that he could consume their soul. Though Mercury had not been alive long, he should have consumed several souls by now, and he had not. For this, he was often jealous of his sister Alchemy. The two were twins, a rarity among demons. Though the two were obviously the same young age, she had consumed many a soul and earned a pair of glorious horns in her demon form. It wasn't fair. She was simply more ferocious and filled with more conviction than he.

Sighing once more, Mercury's hands fumbled in his back pockets searching for his cigarettes and lighter. Upon finding them, he thumbed a single cigarette out and quickly, in one movement, placed it between his smooth lips and lit it. He took a deep drag and exhaled it slowly, watching as the smoke disappeared into the light of the moon.

Luna Devereaux


Looking at the small innocent figure of the girl known as Luna you would have never believed the things she had done or the situations she had put herself in. Killing her mother, convincing innocent people to take their own lives just so she could take their money, reading peoples minds and using their deepest darkest secrets against them. She truly was not innocent in all aspect she was evil or was she? The poor girl just wanted to survive and belong and with her naive nature she had been convinced to do these things in order to belong and survive the harsh world that she lived in. Of course killing her mother had been a accident out of rage when her powers were just developing, it was a memory that haunted her and would never leave. Even if she had hated the woman, back then she never would have thought of taken some ones life. Its funny how things can change over a course of a few years.

Luna had spent most of the day in solitary back at the apartment, all alone while every one else was out. She feared that if she had gone with them she would have been forced to do something that would haunt her for the rest of her life. To scared to say no to what they wanted in fear of being turned away again like her mother had when she needed her the most. At the moment it was better to be the hunter then the hunted, even if her conscious told her otherwise.

All logic had left her several years ago, and now all she wanted was to do what ever it took to live and be on top, no fear. Though it never worked out that way because she was constantly fearful of what could happen. Karma was a bitch, or so she had heard. One day she knew it would bite her in the ass and that made her second guess the way she was living and using her powers. Really she was a good person, fear and longing to be something more then rejected by those around you could really screw a person up.

Luna had left the apartment around 10 at night needing some fresh air. A walk had seemed to calm her troubled mind, even as the rain started to fall. Somewhat soaking her clothes, since she hadn't really dressed for the rain. Wondering around for hours she found herself walking down a alley way, obviously lost. Taking a look around she realized she was probably not in the best of places. It looked a bit run down and shady to her. Especially the figure standing not to far from her. most people probably would have turned away and gotten the hell out of there.

Instead Luna looked intently at what looked like a boy not much older then her, studying him with intensity. There were only a few reason why people hung out in alleys, they were prostitutes or drug sellers. She had guess the later of the two. Thoughts raced across her mind, surely he would have something she could take and overdose. That would end all of her pain and guilty feelings, it would just be over. No one would ever miss her. The thought was quickly erased from her mind, knowing that it was stupid and cowardly to take the easy way out. Though she never claimed to be brave.

Where am I? she asked not really sure where she ended up. Ya okay probably not the brightest idea asking the creepy guy in the alley way questions but she wasn't using her brain at the moment. She looked like a lost puppy trying to find its way home.

Mercury Pentameter


Boredom flooded Mercury's mind as the moon rose higher into the sky, shedding its light directly into the alley. His boredom was forcing him to smoke faster, cracking his fingers on his empty hand. Jitters were taking over his body, making him jumpy. Mercury couldn't stand still for this long, he couldn't sit here and do absolutely nothing for this long. He wanted to be reading the carefully crafted words of Lovecraft or Poe, perhaps one of the Bronte sisters. Regardless, he didn't want to be here. Despite his demon nature, he wasn't really one for forcing sin on the innocent human race. He knew it was his lot in life, and that he must do it in order to consume the innocent souls of God's people, but it was more of a chore than anything. However, the consequences for not consuming a soul within a demon's lifetime was death, a death which was completed by Satan himself. He had never seen such an execution, but he had heard stories. The stories were enough to chill even his sister to the bone.

Another chilling breeze swirled through the alley, picking up napkins and debris as it went. He watched as the napkins, supposedly once white, danced in the cool night air. He gazed upon them, his red eyes striking, judging their stains, their tears, the sloppy hand-writing. The human species was a funny one, always leaving things behind, things that told a million stories. A yellowed napkin was blown onto his thigh as he was taking yet another drag of his cigarette. He looked down at it apathetically as he held the smoke in his lungs, feeling it swirl around, leaving tar and carcinogens in every available crevice. But what did he care? He was immortal, or at least, he was immortal as long as the devil said he was.

Finally, he picked the napkin off his thigh as another breeze went through the alley. He shivered, pulling his jacket closer around his core. It was times like this that he wished he controlled fire instead of darkness. He placed his cigarette in between his lips and gripped it tightly so that he would not drop it onto the unforgiving ground. He wished to examine the napkin, learn its story. This was something he would need two hands for. He spread it out, eliminating the wrinkles. This poor, old napkin had gone through so much in its short life, as was evident by its yellowed edges and the tear running through the middle. On the top right corner there was a smudged, red lip mark no doubt from a beautiful woman blotting because she had too much lipstick on, or perhaps she had some food on her lips and wanted to remove it with some small amount of class. He continued to look the napkin over, seeing that on the other side there was a number and a name. It said Desiree. Reading the name, he sniffed it. It had been spritzed with perfume. The scene changed. This napkin was a business card, a proposition for sex. He smiled as the scene playing out in his mind. A woman, no longer beautiful but strong, independent, and sexy, spotted a man, or perhaps a woman, she desired to have sex with. She kisses the napkin, puts her name and number on it, slaps some of the perfume she's wearing on it, no, no, she rubs it on her neck to get the perfume straight from her body, and finally, without a word, places it into the hand of her future lover. The smirk on his face was too large for words. He loved the way the world worked within the confines of bars.

For some time, he had been smoking, inhaling and exhaling, without ever taking the cigarette out of his mouth. It was at the same time that he realized he was doing this that he realized a young girl was traipsing his way. His brows furrowed as he looked her over. She wasn't the strung out type that usually frequented here. To be honest, she didn't even look the type to want to be wandering down here. But what did he know, he was young as well, and had been surprised before.

Mercury let go of the napkin as she got closer, another chilly breeze whisking it and its story away. He caught a final whiff of the woman's perfume as it left with the wind. It was a pleasant scent, not too musky, not too sweet. It was the kind of scent every woman should wear, but too many were hooked on those that were sickly sweet.

Rubbing his eyes, his cigarette still in between his lips, Mercury brought himself out of his thoughts to see the girl now within a few feet of him. He finally gripped the cigarette with his hand and exhaled in her direction. Where was she? Oh lord. She wouldn't be buying from him tonight. She was going to be a waste of time and a waste of time in his alleyway. He stared her down in the darkness, his red eyes piercing. "You're in an alleyway. Specifically, you're in an alleyway between a brothel and a bar." His words were laced with thick apathy and his eyes mimicked his voice. Apathy, afterall, was Mercury's forte.