Species[edit | edit source]
The listed species below are the only ones accepted at Demons in my Nightmares. We expect you to follow the guidelines set by the staff, though minor adjustments are allowed.
Vampires Lycans Demons Angels (Holy and Fallen) Succubi Faerie Shifter Witch Gifted Human
Vampires are first and foremost, immortal. Vampires may not be born of traditional methods, rather they are created. A single bite does not change a human into a vampire. A human must be drained of all it's blood. They must then drink the blood of their "creator". With this, their human organs and human body both die and are reborn within the next three days underground. The change is painful and can only be completed when the new-born awakens and then feeds on the blood of a human. With this, the new-born's senses enhance, vampiric strength and speed, and often some level of telepathy are gained. The older a vampire is, the stronger he or she is, and the more advanced their telepathy.
Few things can kill a vampire. However, beheading,a wooden stake through the heart, sunlight, and a Lycan attack are all fatal. While some vampires can recover from Lycan attacks, it is very rare. When a Lycan is in its wolf form its saliva is lethal to vampires, and vampires alone.
Note to Twilight Fans: Vampires do not sparkle in the sun. They burn and eventually die if exposed for too long.
Lycans are not by any means immortal. However, they do have a genetic abnormality that causes their human forms to age extremely slowly thus giving them extremely long lives. The average lifespan for a healthy Lycan is about 200 years.
Lycans are subject to change against their will once a month when the moon is full. During this change, any semblance of their human self is lost to animal instinct. When the full moon leaves, most of the memories from when the person was in wolf form leave with it. Lycans can also change at will. The transformation is highly painful, though many become so used to it that the pain becomes a minor inconvenience.
When in wolf form, Lycans resemble their animal brothers, however they retain their human eyes and are three times the size. On the night of a full moon, their human eyes are replaced with black ones, devoid of soul.
Death can be caused by beheading, a silver bullet to the heart, or a Vampire attack.
Demons are in fact the messengers of the underworld. They, much like Vampires, are immortal and like Lycans, have two forms: their human form and their Demon form. In their human form, they appear to be normal humans, though their eyes are often red with the fires of hell. In their human form, Demons also carry a distinct aura around their person which disappears when they change into their demon form. However, only other immortals can see it. Humans can often sense it, though most don't pay attention to it. In their demon form, Demons are different colors of red with eyes of yellow and wings of black. Every demon has a set of horns upon their forehead.
Demons walk the earth in order the entice humans to sin. Once a human has sinned upon a Demon's orders, whether they be direct or indirect, that Demon may consume their soul. Each soul consumed makes the Demon stronger and their horns longer.
Demons are not born, but created from the fires of hell when their lord and master needs them. Demons cannot create other Demons. However, they may create human babies with a human mate in their human form. These babies are often bequeathed "gifts."
Death can be caused by exorcism or the kiss of a Holy Angel.
Angels are, like Demons and Vampires, immortal. There are two types of Angels: Holy and Fallen. Holy Angels are the messengers of God. When walking amongst Humans, their white, feathered wings become invisible, as does their cliched halo. As with Demons, when Holy Angels choose to hide their true form, they have a very distinct aura around them. While immortals can see this clearly, humans can only sense it. Often, they discard it, though a Holy Angel's aura generally makes all humans happier.
Death can be caused by Hell's fire or a Demon attack.
Fallen Angels are those that choose to leave the heavens and disobey God. They have been permanently banished and their halos revoked. Their wings have become black with sin and resemble large bat wings, leathery in nature. They can also hide their wings. Fallen Angels' auras are negative in nature, often resembling that of a Demon's.
Death cannot be achieved once one is classified as a Fallen Angel. This is God's true punishment for defying him.
While often Succubi are women, there have been men in the past. Succubi are creatures that suck the life force and sometimes the soul from their victims. They have one form, their "human" form. However, they are stronger than humans and have retractable fangs. These fangs do not pierce flesh, rather they pierce the victim's life force and often the soul.
Succubi are not born in the conventional sense. Succubi are created when one Succubus decides to essentially split their own life force into two. From this, a new Succubus is born. However, to truly be "born," this new Succubus must quickly consume the soul of a virgin, otherwise their life force will rejoin with their source and the source will not be able to split again. Succubi are thus immortal.
The more life force a Succubus consumes, the stronger she is. Succubi can often create illusions in the minds of humans so that they may seduce them. Mind reading and empathy are also common.
Death may be caused by contact with Holy Water, a lack of stolen life-force, or an attack by most other supernatural creatures.
Fae are mischievousness folks. In their true form, Faeries are quite small, often mistaken for butterflies because of their large, colorful wings. Their features are very pointed and their skin appears to be infused with diamonds. Faeries are born in a very conventional sense, however full faeries can only be born from a Fae mother and Fae father.
Fae may shift into human size, losing their pointed features. However, even in their human form, Fae retain their pointed ears which is why most Fae have exceedingly long hair in order to cover their ears.
Fae are not immortal, though they live extremely long lives. Most live up to 1000 years. Often, they have the common powers of precognition, healing, appearance shifting, as well as size shifting.
Fae blood is extremely valuable as it has healing powers and can elongate life for up to fifteen years.
Death may be caused by prolonged exposure to iron, Vampire attacks, Lycan attacks, Demon attacks, and decapitation.
Shifters are often born to human parents. They are a genetic abnormality within the Lycan gene. When a Lycan breeds with a human, long down the line of their descendants a Shifter is often found.
Shifters change into animals. When they are younger, then can change into any animal they please. However, once they go through the change of puberty, they are forced to choose a single animal form. This is done on the full moon of their birth month. Whatever animal the Shifter turns into on this full moon is the only animal they will be able to shift into for the rest of their life. Some Shifters choose willingly, others find themselves feeling as though fate chose for them.
Much like Lycans, Shifters can change at any time. During the full moon, the change is also forced upon Shifters, however, their human souls remain intact.
Witches can only be born to those of Gifted or Human blood. They are more often female than male, though male witches do exist. Witches communicate through communities known as covens. It is rare that a witch will voluntarily choose to be a solitary practitioner, however such cases of rouge witches do exist. Especially in these times.
Witches are not evil by nature. In fact, their way of life is based on the principles of nature. Many witches, while born of magick, also follow the religion of Wicca in which the main tenets are these: Do un to others as you would have others do un to you. The law of threefold which states that whatever energy you put out returns to you three times stronger, and the Wiccan Rede which states that you may do however you please as long as you bring no harm to yourself or others.
Witches do not need to use wands, though some prefer it. They do have the ability to ride broomsticks, however it is not a skill acquired by all. Spells are often cast in Latin or German.
Death can be caused by any means.
Gifted are simply humans with supernatural powers. Usually, these are the spawn of a human mother and a Faerie, Angel, or Demon mother, though they can simply just be born at random. Most people have one of these, Fae, Demon, or Angel in their blood line somewhere, but few exhibit "gifts."
Relatively self explanatory. Most humans have no idea that the horrors of the night are actually real. However, there are those that know - often these are the ones that hunt these creatures in attempt to rid the world of their malice.